Kamis, 21 Agustus 2014

The Development of Transportation in Gorontalo

(Becak to Bentor)

Transportation comes from latin language, that is transportare. Trans mean across or other side and portare mean to carry away or bring. From that wordtransportation is “any action, process or matter that move a certain from a place to other place”

Haryono (2006: 93) said that “Transportation  is transfer from a place to other place by using conveyer, both for moved by manpower, animal (horse, cow, buffalo),  or machine”.

Concluded that transportation concept is based in trip existence between origin and destination. Trip is person movement and goods between two activity places apart to do individual activity or group in society.

Gambar Becak
Becak is a vehicle that made from bike that is modified so that can hold more many people. Becak is ride by 1 person and the position of the driver is in behind. Becak can operate when driver begin to twist the bike.

Becak is a public transportation which used by People in 16 years ago. Many people earn life with work as becak driver, up to one day appear modern-day Becak with modify motor to be able to accommodate many people. Vehicle that use manpower turns into vehicle that use machine power.

Gambar Bentor (Becak Motor)

Bentor is a Vehicle that similar with Becak,  but Bentor was modern and have machine power. Bentor has 3 tyre balls, 2 in front of and 1 behind. Bentor modified by Gorontalo People, he has different art style to unites 2 matters differ be 1, can be maked used many people in this time.

Along period development, Bentor be favorite transportation tool that is used by gorontalo people, everywhere they use Bentor. Whether work, shop, go to School or do another matters. The people choose rises bentor than becak because Bentor be modern transportation tool and faster.

This time, many people that use bentor to earn money. At Gorontalo City, every road certain seen bentor. Bentor can hold minimal occupant 3 person and the maximal until 5 person. many ones rise bentor because the trips more relax, bentor installed audio, the place doesn’t mill around,  and it can runs fast.

On the other hand, bentor has also negative impact, for environment that is with air pollution existence because too many bentors in gorontalo province. finally many childrens that experience respiration disturbance and others.

Development Becak be bentor very fast, widespread in all city in area gorontalo because caused by sophisticated technology progress and fast information.

In conclusion, in this modern period is urban community gorontalo more many wears bentor from in becak, caused by certain differences. Becak transportation tool the way slow and menguras energy because still to use manpower to oar while bentor transportation tool the way fast and wear engine, but still to want manpower to run the machine. Bentor can pass through over very far and can accommodate heavy loads.


The Power Of Moon

Moon is the hero of earth
He sends the light
Pass the beautiful stars
Penetrated sky defense

Give his life for human
So that human can play under the moon shadow
In the night he open the way for the blind one
And giving cheerful for who falling in love

By : Ikbal Sula

Senin, 11 Agustus 2014

Two month ago, my friend and I go to my village. Pandi, Iman, and Halim are friends whom I know, when I began to live in campus environment State University Of Gorontalo. They hold research at Tanjung Kramat and someone said to me" Ikbal, please help us ! We want go there, but there is no one that we know. Iman said “Will you come along with us?”  and I answer" yes, I shall go with you" and then they invite me to go with them.
            After we arrived in Tanjung Kramat, my Friends and I started prepare tools that shall we used in research. While we were waiting friend who bought ingredient for cooked, we asked letter for made research to the Leader of sub-district.
            After one hour, finally they came and someone said “We must give this licence from sub-district head to one whose named ka Riton. Then we looked for ka Riton and found him at cousin’s home. Afterwards we told our aim purpose to hold research in place and he said" what department did you learn and what are you going to do? “then I answer" they are from Biology Department State University of Gorontalo  and we want research about sea animal species.
After that we return to home, they only sit and back to the city. “We shall take device remained, and back when evening arrived” their word. They are going and I prepare myself with have a rest enough.
After 09.00 o’clock they return with other friends they are Eman and Kiki. then we went to our research place. After arrived there, we told joke, laugh and eat while enjoy air evening beside of beach.
At 02.00 we began to prepare tools for used. Many people from us divide several groups and would began to measures placed that be made research location. After a few moments, we are not guess the other friends was came along to come related with Saturday night. After felt bored  at City Park, they were immediately came to Tanjung kramat in midnight.
I was surprised when saw them driving 9 motorcycle. Situation becomes crowded and they share the task. After almost 3 hour we tried everything and move to the next location. The second location is located at the bottom Tanjung Kramat that in the village.
I said to them "in this place, no one who shouted or talked loudly" then no one of those who asked why?, and then we rushed the last task is completed. Does not feel the time is 05:30 o'clock. After that stomach starts growling.
Pandi: Does anyone sell food here?
Ikbal: yes, but it was in the village next door.
Pandi: ok, let's go.
Ikbal: ok
After that we ate yellow rice and went to town to bring satisfactory results. It was an unforgetable moments in my life.

Posted  by Ikbal Sula
Real Life
Pemandangan pagi hari dan ketika matahari terbenam (Sunset)

Kelurahan Tanjung Kramat Kecamatan Hulonthalangi Kota Gorontalo adalah salah satu daerah yang terletak di bagian barat pantai. Tanjung Kramat memiliki pemandangan alam yang bagus dipandang mata terlebih lagi ketika matahari mulai tenggelam, kebanyakan orang memilih puncak sebagai temapat untuk menikmati langsung sunset yang begitu indah.

 Nelayan Kelurahan Tanjung Kramat

Selain memiliki keindahan alam yang bagus Tanjung Kramat juga memiliki kekayaan alam laut yang beragam. Tak heran 80 % kepala keluarga masyarakat tanjung kramat memilih menjadi Nelayan, menangkap ikan menjadi mata pencaharian utama mereka. 

 Pecinta Snorkeling & Terumbu Karang

Perairan laut di Tanjung Keramat terbilang surga bagi para pecinta diving dan snorkeling. Spesies ikan dan terumbu karang bisa anda temukan di tempat ini. Sayangnya anda harus memakai alat sendiri karena wisata ini belum memiliki fasilitas yang memadai.

Jika berminat silahkan kunjungi saja lokasi ini. Untuk jarak tempuh kira-kira 20 menit dari pusat kota dengan menggunakan mobil ataupun kendaraan beroda dua (motor).