is one of base on for character building someone. Education is pillar the power big of nation.
So that, education is the important think. You think, what the education is
important for you? I thing education is very important for everyone, with
education you can get all something.
System education in Indonesian still is not good, many are students which be sacrifice from it. The Education process in world school
nothing again the show free of motivation from unable, but just be for bound
creativity of them, so that fail for made the humans is cleaver, creative,
skills, hones, and responsive. Bertahun-tahun dunia perndidikan kita hanya
terfokus dalam ruang hafalan-hafalan teori dan rumus, tidak ada upaya serius
untuk membawa para siswa untuk mampu menerjemahkan berbagai bidang keilmuan
yang diperoleh dalam realitas
sosial. Pendidikan menjadi tercerabut dari problem riil yang seharusnya
mereka jawab dan selesaikan. Model pendidikan demikian oleh Paulo
Freire dikritik sebagai banking education, yaitu suatu model pendidikan
yang tidak kritis karena hanya diarahkan untuk domestifikasi dan penyesuaian
realitas social dengan keadaan penindasan. Dalam kondisi yang demikian itu,
bagaimana mungkin dunia perndidikan kita mampu melahirkan manusia-manusia yang
cerdas, kritis, dan responsif? Bagaimana mungkin siswa didik kita tergugah
kesadarannya untuk belajar mengenali berbagai problem riil yang mencul dalam kehidupan?
Salah satu penyebab tercerabutnya
problem social dunia pendidikan kita adalah kehadiran national
examination. National examination has
been administered within the education system of our country since 6 our years
ago. it is base on an education Minister Decree No. 114/U/2001, but there were
many problems that occurred for years, as if nothing can obscure it. This
conditions, really, have become a concern all of us, whether education
ministries or non-ministries. Whether the problem is caused by the agents who
involved in or the system itself, the short, national examination has raised
pros and cons in the society.
From the pro in point of view,
Improving the quality of education can be done, among others, by applying a
good examination system at the end of each school year to increase the class
and at the end of each educational unit. National exam is a strategy commonly
used by developing countries in improving the quality of education because it
is cheap and effective way of influencing what teachers teach and what students
learned. The use of tests and exams in education, although with the mission and
goals are diverse, constantly improving in many countries. National exam is used as a standard quality
of our education and base on National examination it also used to measure how
the skill of students. if many students passed the national examination
successfully, it means that our education has reached its standard. Examination
system that is expected is a system that can help education providers enforce
public accountability, provide use feedback to the education system to improve
the quality of performance and effectiveness and able to control and encourage
the improvement of education quality (at least the academic achievement of
learners). The study, conducted by a team from the World Bank provides a lesson
that any system that is generated will only be effective if supported by the
similarity of perception and the commitment of the parties concerned to implement
the system consist. Education examination can be motivated them to study hard
more and more and can be increasing your self independence because national
examination has a national standard for over all the country.
In contrast, if we refer to our curriculum that used in
our education system, base on their three aspect in assessment. The first,
cognitive, affective and psychomotor. In fact, just one aspect that assessment
and that is not relevant. So should be
three aspect in assessment, and national examination not be one of measure the
students successfully. But what is happened
with our government ?.Probably we are just said, demo more, but our
voices cannot hear by government. We are hope education in Indonesian can be
batters future with no used national examination as one of measure graduate.
So it is fine if that government
wants to change the passing standards starting this school year. It's OK to
have a willingness to improve the quality of education in Indonesia. But it
seems the government should gradually do it. Improve education system used in
our country, correct all the educational facilities and infrastructure, as
averaged among schools in the central area, (in the village and town), increase
the quality of existing teachers, fix the welfare of teachers, eliminate
discrimination in public schools private, meet the education budget that he
said 20% of it. and still too much more to be repaired.
There are more important than the
national exam controversy, namely how to educate children to have learning and
hard work ethic. There are reasonable concerns, Indonesia's children grow up in
a social environment and a chaotic school so they do not have a vision of
nationhood and has no commitment to humanity and a strong ethos of science.
Kahfi Maksum
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