Kamis, 09 Oktober 2014


Di Sekolah Dasar  menggunakan jam pembelajaran setiap minggu setiap semester dengan sistem menghafal nama-nama benda, binatang dan hal-hal yang bersangkutan dengan alam melalui gambar.
Dalam memulai memberikan pelajaran kepada anak didik di sekolah dasar Guru harus melatih keterampilan bahasa dan unsur bahasa yang menjadi fokus pembelajaran yang terkait dengan tujuan pembelajaran yang tertuang dalam silabus (jenis tematik dan keterampilan). Misalnya, bila fokus utama pada pembelajaran menyimak (listening) dan fokus kedua pada keterampilan berbicara (speaking), dapat diterapkan kegiatan respon fisk (Total Physical Response). Untuk topik "Binatang", langkah-langkah pembelajaran dengan strategi ini, antara lain:
1.      Guru mengenalkan nama-nama binatang berikut bagiannya yang ditempelkan di  papan tulis atau disekitar ruangan kelas.
2.      Guru menyuruh siswa ke depan kelas dan meminta menunjukkan gambar binatang yang disebutkan. Contoh perintah: "Come here, A". "Now, point to the..." (sebutkan salah satu nama binatang). Berikan perintah tersebut pertama pelan kemudian ulang dengan cepat. Lakukan ini secara bergiliran.
3.      Guru memberikan perintah berantai kepada siswa. Contoh: "Come here, please", "Point to ...", and "Take that picture", "Give it to your friend, ...", dll.

SMP menggunakan jam pembelajaran setiap minggu setiap semester dengan sistem tatap muka, penugasan terstruktur, diskusi dan lain-lain
Pendahuluan merupakan kegiatan awal dalam suatu pertemuan pembelajaran yang ditujukan untuk membangkitkan motivasi dan memfokuskan perhatian peserta didik untuk berpartisipasi aktif dalam proses pembelajaran.
Kegiatan inti merupakan proses pembelajaran untuk mencapai KD. Kegiatan pembelajaran dilakukan secara interaktif, inspiratif, menyenangkan, menantang, memotivasi peserta didik untuk berpartisipasi aktif, serta memberikan ruang yang cukup bagi prakarsa, kreativitas, dan kemandirian sesuai dengan bakat, minat, dan perkembangan fisik serta psikologis peserta didik. Kegiatan ini dilakukan secara sistematis dan sistemik melalui proses eksplorasi, elaborasi, dan konfirmasi.
Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) yaitu pendidikan yang setara dengan SMP akan tetapi didalamnya lebih banyak diajarkan pelajaran Agama. Jam pelajaran di MTs hanya memiliki 1 kali pertemuan dalam seminggu sehingga siswa tidak dapat mendalami ilmu Bahasa Inggris dengan baik, jam pelajaran lebih banyak digunakan untuk pelajaran Agama seperti Aqidah Akhlak, Qiraah Qitabah, Qur’an Hadits dan lain-lain.

Pada tingkat SMA sering menggunakan jam pembelajaran 1 atau 2 kali setiap minggu setiap semester disesuaikan berdasarkan jurusan masing-masing dengan sistem tatap muka, penugasan terstruktur, diskusi dan lain-lain.
Jurusan IPA dan IPS memiliki pembagian jam pelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang sama tiap minggunya, karena mereka hanya diberikan pelajaran-pelajaran yang sesuai dengan jurusan yang akan mereka pakai setelah lulus nanti.  berbeda dengan Jurusan Bahasa karena akan diperkaya dengan pelajaran bahasa-bahasa asing seperti bahasa inggris,jepang,jerman dan lain-lain.
Kegiatan belajar pada Sekolah Menengah Atas lebih banyak siswa yang berpartisifasi dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar seperti diskusi, membuat kelompok dan mempresentasikan materi yang dipelajari pada hari itu. Jika ada materi yang tidak dipahami, barulah guru turun langsung untuk menjelaskan kepada siswa.

Pada tingkat SMK jam pelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang disediakan disesuaikan berdasarkan jurusan masing-masing dengan sistem tatap muka, penugasan terstruktur, diskusi dan lain-lain. Setiap jurusan jam pelajaran Bahasa Inggrisnya berbeda karena setiap jurusan masing-masing mempunyai keunggulan dibidangnya, contoh jurusan akuntansi yang lebih banyak dibahas mengenai bagaimana mengatur perekonomian dan tata cara membukukannya, jurusan parawisata lebih menonjol di dalam mempelajari bagaimana cara berinteraksi dengan orang lain ditempat yang berbeda-beda, untuk itu diperlukan pelajaran bahasa inggris yang lebih banyak dari jurusan lain.
Struktur kurikulum SMK/MAK sebagaimana tersebut dalam Permen 22, meliputi substansi pembelajaran yang ditempuh dalam satu jenjang pendidikan selama tiga tahun mulai kelas X sampai dengan kelas XII. Struktur kurikulum SMK/MAK disusun berdasarkan standar kompetensi lulusan dan standar kompetensi mata pelajaran. Struktur kurikulum ini belum menyebutkan pembagian jam per pekan pembelajaran. Sekolah harus menyusun sendiri pembagian jam per pekan dalam silabus menurut jurusan

            Kesimpulan yaitu Sekolah SD, SMP, SMA dan SMK itu berbeda antara 1 dengan yang lainnnya. 

       Ikbal Sula

Language Learning Motivation

English language is an internastional language, which is often used in most countries in the world. Indonesia is one of the countries which take English as a foreign language after the Indonesian language. English is very important to use in many aspects. For example: education. Almost all of Indonesian education institutions, whether elementary, junior, senior high school or college and even non-formal education, use English in their teaching and learning activity. So that, English language has been included in the curriculum of Indonesia, although the students are required to speak English frequently, the result is not good enough yet. In fact there are still many alumnus who can not use speak English well. Student often have a problem, when they accept the lesson from the teacher. Some student lazy to learn the material. So the teacher must be a motivator from their student.  
Motivation is defined as the process that initiates, guides and maintains goal-oriented behaviors. Motivation is what causes us to act, whether it is getting a glass of water to reduce thirst or reading a book to gain knowledge.  
Motivation can help the learning process to be more dynamic. The point is that students in the design not only sit and listen the material without doing any other activities that relates to the material, but students can develop the material with their own styles with the teacher as a motivator and facilitator. Basically, the most important point in teaching and learning English is making students feel comfortable in any condition, especially when the students get the materials. When the students do not comfortable to learn, the process of transferring knowledge will never be understood by them, because students learn with the under pressure, ever though we never do it in the learning process. In fact, this is the problem which faced by the teachers, the students are not interested to follow English lesson. This is because the less of motivation, so that the students cannot be taught material optimally. The less of students' motivation in learning English in particular result in student learning outcomes are not optimal. So that the students will think English is very difficult to be learn. This indicates that they lose motivation to learn. So they need a solution to increase the motivation to learn English in particular. According Wahyudi MCHt ST (2010) said, almost all of teachers in Indonesia are professional but not necessarily easy to be love the students. Therefore, a teacher must be able to be a role model, always providing encouragement, motivation, and happiness for the future of the nation is determined by the way the teachers teach.
In conclution, motivation is very important in learning English. Anyway, every human being has motivation inside or outside themselves. All we have to do is stimulate that motivation so it can make us get and reach our dream. Anyhow, we can conclude that motivation can help the student  it could be better if we combined those motivation become one. By combining those motivations, it can make a great impact on how we are supposed to do in learning English.

References :

     Ikbal Sula


            To make Binthe Biluhuta, we need the row materials, there are corn, coconut, fish and water. Beside that, We have to prepare the spices there are feint, salt, chili, onion, lime. Aferwards, we will need some tools like rasper, pot cup, and stove. So, whenever the all of the materials are ready, we can start the main process, first of all we boil the corn. Then rasp the coconut and fired the onion. The next stage is input the corn in the cup then mix fish and coconut. The last is pour at least a half spoon of salf, add chili in accordance with our appetite, and then input the feint and the lime. Mix until flat and the Binthe Biluhuta is ready to served.
            The first point we have to do to make Katumbu Gola is prepare all of the materials  and the spices. There are corn, sugar water salf, and onion. Then we will need some tools like knife, pan and will. The last is skin of young corn. After words we can start the young corn and the next is pour onion, and salt in accordance with our appolite. After words roll the all at to become likwid and parceled by skin of young corn, next boil it and wait a minute. Finally the Katumbu Gola is ready to served.
In conclosion : in cach of teritoory has traditional food. For example From Muna has Katumbu Gola and Gorontalo has Binthe Biluhuta. Actually Binthe Biluhuta and Katumbu Gola have some of similarity. The main materials of then is corn. Formaly they were very populer. Most of people in each of teritory used it as main food. Unfortunatelly, now it is not amend because influenced by modern culture.

La ode

Pop culture and I
Popular culture is culture that influencing the people because it’s popularity and it is usually constantly changing. It is connected with something which we need or we want in our daily lives. Quotes by Dr. Ray Browne about popular culture, he said that "Popular culture is the everyday culture of a group, large or small, of people. Popular culture includes all aspects of our daily lives. Popular culture is the voice of the people - their practices, likes and dislikes the lifeblood of their daily existence". (http://blog.shrub.com/ understanding-popular-culture)
Food, sport, fashion, movie and music are some aspects of the popular culture. They make the people influencing and some of the people must follow the trend of that, because the aspects are include in human’s everyday lives. I think popular culture has not only influenced the people in a country, but also in the world, and me too, because popular culture develops from a local culture to a global culture. The people are influenced the popular culture by television, radio, internet, magazine, newspaper and other mass media. We can find the television, internet or magazine everywhere, these things are also part of popular culture which must we have and make the most effect to people. Merriam Webster said that “The population is bombarded with popular culture by television, radio, advertisement, internet and every other imaginable form to help us determine our views of popular culture. Media defines Popular culture (or pop culture), what the trends are, what people should be wearing, what they should be listening to, how they should act, and what they should look like. (Merriam-Webster, 2007: http://www.media-awareness.ca)
One of the mass media which made the most effect to me is television, and one of aspects of popular culture which influenced me is sport, exactly football. From television I could watch my favorite football club played, it is Arsenal. Because I like Arsenal, I must buy and collect the costume or the jersey of the team or something which connected with Arsenal, and of course I must always watch the match. Besides television, internet also makes me influenced. From internet I can collect the pictures or the photos of the players.  I also can know news about Arsenal, know in where position Arsenal standings in English premier League. But, beside that I do not like playing football very much; I just like watching the match.
Talking about food in popular culture, it is not only something we eat, it is also about lifestyle. Some people may be following the trend; they must eat at restaurant or eat foreign food. Because some people think that what or where they eat shows who they are, but I do not think so. It is not important what or where we must eat, but what is the effect of food we eat is very important.
Fashion also makes a big influence to people. It related with the heroes or idol. Some people must follow the trend of fashion. They influenced from the heroes, what the trends are, what should be wearing, how they should act, and what they should look like. But, for me comfortable and available is more important.


By Rizal Ibrahim